Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things That Are Awesome

A wonderful website. In a time when it's so easy to get hung up on what's wrong with the world, this blog is a wonderful reminder of the little things in life that are amazing.

I've been really angry lately with the way some things are in this country. Part of it is politics; how Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity became a partisan fight (Glenn Beck claimed she was trying to take away his french fries by suggesting carrot sticks as a snack for children). I'm frustrated with agribusiness and food that tastes bland because it is forced to grow in the wrong season, or meat that comes from fattening cattle and chicken on feed they don't consume in the wild (I got John some Michael Pollan books for Christmas, can you tell?). I'm frustrated with the fact that pharmaceutical companies refuse to fund more studies on lithium, which has shown a lot of promise for treating strokes and Lou Gehrig's disease, simply because no single company has a patent on it and thus everybody could benefit from selling the drug.

Sigh...I found this blog at just the right time!

Some posts that reminded me of the little joys in life:

#356 Wearing your boyfriend's sweatshirt (I love doing this)
#371 Seeing Old People Holding Hands
#380 Hearing Someone's heartbeat
#391 When parents bring you back gifts from a business trip (my dad always used to bring me stuffed animals: a lobster from Maine, an armadillo from Texas. Now, he still brings me back things from his trips, typically tea from London!).
#407 The in-law nap (this one made me laugh out loud because I just did it on Christmas. I was tuckered out from playing midnight mass).
#413 Trying on your new clothes again as soon as you get home from the store (I am way guilty of this!)
#466 Using milk instead of water (I do this for tomato soup, and it just isn't the same without it!)
#497 The moment after the show before the applause begins
#563 Watching cream go into coffee

A nice reminder to stop and smell the roses (or at this time of year, the evergreen?).

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