Saturday, May 21, 2011

Formal Invitations Part 3: RSVP Cards

I mentioned RSVPs already in a previous post (and had my French corrected before I made a fool of myself). So I won't rehash it too much. But I did have a second kind of RSVP card, for the jam session. We didn't send one with every invite, just to some of the key players. Hopefully we'll get a good group together and others will let us know if they have some interest in playing with us!

I made two different jam session RSVPs because I just couldn't decide between the two record players. They were both so pretty!

This is what I started with. I initially wanted to just edit out the text and use the book/roses for something in the invite suite, but I couldn't get it to look good.

I also designed two versions of the RSVP; one for single invitees and one for couples. Some people aren't aware of the convention that the names listed on the envelope are all that are invited. If your name is listed singly, than they aren't allowing you to bring a guest. I mentioned this to John, and he said he wasn't aware of that distinction. While some people know this from going to other weddings, others may be like John and unaware that they shouldn't tack on a +1 to their RSVP.

As I mentioned in the invite post, we have a super strict guest limit imposed by our venue. For a friend to bring a guest, an aunt or uncle would have to get axed, so we opted to include only engaged couples and those living together. Basically, we went with examples where we knew both people in the couple well, which in most cases meant they were living together/engaged/had been together for several years so we had gotten to know them anyway. 

Hopefully this won't cause too many issues. It really was an attempt at inclusion, not exclusion: trying to bring together those that know us well and mean the most to us. If we don't know your girlfriend or boyfriend, chances are they won't know many of the other guests either.

I still have doubts. Should I have had a place to put a number on the multiple invites? How will people let me know if only one of them is coming? I know it will be fine and I can always just call somebody if I am confused, but I suppose a little stress about the RSVPs is normal, right? I just want to get a clear sense of who will be there!


  1. I can't say I was aware that there was a convention re: +1s or no +1s... but some of us are very thankful to NOT see +1s because it brings up old "omg how do I find a boy to take to the high school dance anxieties."

  2. That's nice to hear, actually. I hadn't considered that it might be a blessing to not be allowed to invite a +1.

    Luckily for us, the wedding is about people who love us and want to share our day with us, so I'm not anticipating any drama over it. But I suppose I will see!
