Thursday, January 6, 2011

Appeasing the Foodie in Me

Saveur released the Saveur 100, a list of great restaurants, foods, and cook's tools from the past year.

Some of my favorites?

Celery Bitters...sounds intriguing; I didn't know they had other flavors of bitters. I am used to the fresh, green, herbal sharpness of Angostura bitters. But they suggest throwing in bitters even in cooking, something I've never considered doing! Here's the whole line of flavored bitters, from chocolate to grapefruit!

This write-up about a tomato sandwich has me longing for summer...

Milk and Honey. Warm up some milk, add a few spoons of honey. Sounds comforting! I might have to try frothing the milk with my new Aerolatte frother (a wonderful Christmas present from John!).

The description of Sushi Shin makes my mouth water.

You know how foodies love to re-invent simple, low-brow dishes (I've seen things like mac and cheese with duck, savory cotton candy flavors, and wasabi ice cream)? This takes the cake: broccoli with Cheetos.

Blis Syrups. The vanilla-infused maple syrup sounds awesome.

Tequila hot sauce? Sounds fun to try!

And, some other links from around the web:

Adorable recipe cards via Etsy.

I made my first lasagne recently, based loosely on this recipe. The sauce was tweaked with handfuls of spinach, but the result was so flavorful and comforting, and there was no meat in it!

John's been on a big Michael Pollan kick (due in part to the fact that I bought him all his books for Christmas). I really enjoyed his snappy Food Rules: An Eater's Manual.

For more direct recipe cards, try "This Doesn't Taste Like Crap" and "Break Out the Fat Pants"

Adorable recipe cards with an Octochef (that's Octopus+Chef)!

A really practical idea, printable recipe cards mean you can add to your stack at any time!

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