Saturday, April 7, 2012

Green Tea Lattes

I have wanted to try making green tea lattes for a while now, but one major thing has held me back:

Most recipes require matcha powder. Matcha powder is like $20 at Teavana. I love Matcha, but it's expensive.

Thus, I located and brewed a rather tasty alternative this afternoon, that uses plain old teabags instead:

4 cups water
3 green tea bags (you want to brew it stronger than usual)
1-2 chai tea bags (to give it a little spice)
1 cup milk or, if you're running low on milk like I was, milk and half and half
Several TBS brown sugar, honey, or other sweetener to taste

Boil water, throw in the tea bags. Steep 4-5 minutes. Pour into mugs over the sweetener to let it dissolve.

Next, if you have a fancy milk frother like I do, froth that milk. Otherwise, toss it in a blender for a few minutes to whip it up, or use a hand mixer. Pour into mugs, top with spoonfuls of the foam.

DONE. Delicious.

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