Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Showers

They say April is the cruelest month...but I feel like that honor actually goes to March.

I don't know about you, but March for me usually equates to an insanely busy period. Midterms are in March, many of my first assignments come due in graduate courses, and in my case this past month meant my recital and preparing for my comprehensive exam (which is Monday, by the way. Wish me luck!)

I'm having total brain melting from preparing my presentation (I have to present, and then take questions). And yet, as I stare over my 13-pages-and-counting outline of my talk, all I can think is one thing: over-prepared. This is a good feeling to have, but I'll probably still have butterflies in my stomach until it's over. I feel as though I have more information than I'll need, which is a good thing. I just hope I pace myself so that I get the most important things said and leave the rest for questions. I guess tomorrow I should prioritize and make a smaller outline?

For now, it's off to bed. Hopefully I can wake up early and get crackin' on everything. Just two more days...

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